Dear Visitors, Second floor galleries are temporarily closed for maintenance today. Please stay posted on our website and socials for the latest updates.
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EPMA members are invited to build the EPMA collection at this year’s Members’ Choice Holiday Soirée.
Vote for your favorite contemporary work of art, sip and celebrate, while enjoying an evening of art and jazz.
Music by the Marty Olivas Quintet and light bites by Entrecôte & Co.
Three contemporary works of art by leading artists are under consideration. The selected artwork will be announced a week after Members’ Choice.
Stop by the Museum Store during the celebration to purchase holiday gifts for your friends and loved ones. Complimentary gift wrapping services will be offered for EPMA members from 5-9 PM. Limited quantities of gift wrap available.
RSVP: 915-212-3068 or
Collect your voting cards the day of the event.
The 2018 Members’ Choice acquisition is provided by the Robert U. and Mabel O. Lipscomb Foundation Endowment.
Works of Art Under Consideration:
Andrea Bowers Families Belong Together, 2019 Cardboard and LED Lights Approximately 3 to 5’ high x 6 to 8’ wide
A foremost artist of her generation, Andrea Bowers’ drawings, videos, sculptures, and installations are powerful and playful, often advocating for justice. A version of the proposed commission Families Belong Together is currently on view at EPMA as part of Bowers’ contribution to the exhibition After Posada: Revolution. Acquiring this LED light and cardboard piece would significantly add to EPMA’s collection of the most important art of the region: Bowers’ inspiration for this piece was a 2018 research trip to El Paso/Juárez.
Teresa Margolles Two photographs from the series, “Pista de baile/Dance Floor,” 2016 Each: color print on cotton paper, 47.24 x 70.87 Transgender sex workers standing on the ruins of demolished nightclub dance floors in Cd. Juárez
Teresa Margolles is one of the most prominent artists working today in Mexico City. Her installations, performances, photographs, and sculptures address labor and the effects of institutionalized violence - and even death - on people and communities. Acquiring this pair of photographs - part of Margolles’ work in Cd. Juárez for over a decade - would continue EPMA’s commitment to supporting the most exemplary artworks of our region.
Pedro Reyes Disarm (Guitar XXII), 2017 Instrument made from destroyed weapons 37.99 x 15.39 x 1.57”
Pedro Reyes is an internationally renowned artist, recognized for his sculptures and participatory projects examining individual and collective agency. Disarm is from an ongoing project in which Reyes creates musical instruments from weapons confiscated in Cd. Juárez. It is one of Reyes’ most recognizable bodies of work, and would advance EPMA’s collection of the most important art related to our binational community.