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I Love El Paso
I Love El Paso
6 de febrero de 2020
5:30 PM


Local entrepreneurs Rick and Ginger Francis are coming to the El Paso Museum of Art to share their stories, wisdom, and experiences with fellow El Pasoans. Join us for the annual I Love El Paso event to hear from the power couple while enjoying beer tasting by DeadBeach Brewery, wine tasting by Wine Attitude, and hors d’oeuvres.

Rick and Ginger Francis are lifelong El Pasoans. Rick Francis serves as chairman and CEO of West Star Bank and was formally on the Board of Regents for the Texas Tech University System, where he was chairman for two non-consecutive terms.

Ginger Francis has served as Chairman of the Board for the El Paso Museum of Art during construction and renovation of the downtown complex. The lobby of the Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing is named in memory of their son, Tyler.

This event is hosted by the Tom Lea Institute, along with United Way Young Leaders Society, Progress 321, and the El Paso Museum of Art.

This event is free, please RSVP to save your slot!


¿Qué es lo que siempre ha querido preguntar al museo?