Dear Visitors, Second floor galleries are temporarily closed for maintenance today. Please stay posted on our website and socials for the latest updates.


11 de enero de 2024 - 2 de febrero de 2024
10 AM to 6 PM

The El Paso Museum of Art is organizing a Selena-themed exhibition. To help us celebrate Selena’s lasting impact in our community, we invite you to share photos, concert ephemera, and stories related to Selena’s performances in our region. A selection of community submissions will become part of the exhibition!It is not too late to co-create with EPMA! Share your Selena memories, memorabilia, and stories with us! We are particularly interested in the following items:

  • Photographs
  • Posters
  • flyers
  • ticket stubs
  • Vinyl records
  • cassettes
  • Fashion accessories

Help us capture the essence of Selena’s impact in our community by sharing your unique mementos and recuerdos of Selena history. Thank you for being a part of this special tribute!

To participate, please send an image and brief description (title, dimensions in inches, year) to:

Submissions will be received through Friday, February 2, 2024. Video, media clippings, are also welcome.

Support for this exhibition is provided by Wellpoint.


¿Qué es lo que siempre ha querido preguntar al museo?