Second Floor galleries are temporarily closed as our HVAC system undergoes a major upgrade. Kress, American Art, Contemporary Art, and Latin American Art collections will remain off view until the upgrade is complete. Thank you for your patience!


3D Painting Workshop

vanessa german, Black Girl on Skateboard Going Where She’s Got to Go to Do What She’s Got to Do and It Might Not Have Anything to Do With You, Ever, 2022. Lemony things…, 48 x 22 x 26 in. Courtesy of Art Bridges.

3D Painting Workshop
21 de junio de 2024
3 - 6 pm

Free Admission

Local artist Angie-Michelle invites the community to a 3-dimensional painting workshop with the mindfulness and artistry inspired by the work of vanessa german.

This event accompanies the Art Bridges loan of Black Girl on Skateboard Going Where She’s Got to Go to Do What She’s Got to Do and It Might Not Have Anything to Do With You, Ever by vanessa german.

Support for this program is provided by Art Bridges.


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