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Willie Varela, still from Bent Light, 1976. Super 8, silent, 3:17. Chicano Cinema and Media Art Series, Vol. 9, 2013. Courtesy of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
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Willie Varela: 1950-2024 commemorates the life and work of filmmaker and photographer, Willie Varela. The El Paso born and self-taught artist leaves a legacy in experimental films, photography, and installations that has been showcased nationally included the Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, El Paso Museum of Art, and dozens of film festivals. This exhibition features a compilation of films produced by the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center and ephemera showcasing his accomplishments from the El Paso Museum of Art archive.
Support for this exhibition is provided the National Endowment of the Arts, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the Mellon Foundation. the El Paso Museum of Art Foundation , and the City of El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department.
Willie Varela, 1992. Photograph by Richard Baron.